29 August, 2006


My Sister reads my blog and reminded me of something I forgot to post about which was something she forgot! so here it is....

On 11th august (day before birthday) i got a phone call from my sis saying im really sorry I forgot to post your card this morning but i will post it by end of day. Ok i said dont worry.
She had to post it by the end of the day as she was due to go to cornwall for a week leaving that night.
Birthday arrives and i get a phone call from her to say happy birthday and im really sorry i forgot to post your card and it is at home in surrey and im in cornwall. So i would have to wait a week for her to come back and post it. After laughing i said not to worry and she assured me it was a really good card and it was worth the wait.!!
So just over a week later sure enough my card arrived (which i had forgot about by now) which was a nice surprise. And yep she was right it was a really nice card and here it is...


23 August, 2006

You Ever Wish....???

You could have a different life for a day/week??

You could wake up and do everything you cant do??

That you couldnt feel pain??

You could have a shower and wash away that "low" feeling??


Hey im here again


have i been fed up lately. As you may have read earlier on in this blog i was on drug trials to try and help relieve the pain of RSD. Well i had the last lot of my infusions last week (tuesday) and oh boy what a day. We had trouble finding a vein.. (they were hiding LOL) tried twice in my hand, once by my elbow and then ended up with the canula in my foot!
So after feeling like a pin cushion i came home and didnt want to do anything.
Then on Wednesday i wasnt feeling too good but thought may be down to lack of sleep. But no.. i started sneezing and getting a sore throat.
On Friday i was still feeling out of sorts and my eczema decided to flare up, which was ok until saturday... then it was over both my hands and i wanted to chop them off. eczema not only itches but on my bad hand feels like razor blades being swiped across my hand!!! And have to wait until Monday to see Dr for more painkillers and cream.. ARRRRGGGHHHHH
But at least i thought cold was gettng better.....

Saw Dr on monday and i thought everything was sorted.

Woke up Tuesday and not only is cream for eczema not working my sore throat has come back with avengence. i feel like a walking disaster LOL not only have i got Rsd, a cold and eczema which feels more like razors i am not sleeping and having panic attacks at night.

I have asked paul to shoot me, asked the Dr to put me down but no body seems happy enough to oblige... any offers to help??? LOL

17 August, 2006

My Birthday

It was my birthday on 12th august and I have decided they are just not the same anymore!

I remember getting all excited and waking up really early with the attitude that "i'm up so all up". Not this time.

I just wanted a nice quiet day to do whatever I wanted and then go out in the evening for a drink with some friends. A couple of friends came along and was a nice night. Of course there was my other half, Paul whos really sweet and stands by me (even when grumpy).

We had Yati who was snotty and not well but bless her she dragged herself out to see me which meant alot (thanks hun!), There was Jules who prefers garage to house music but still came along (bless him) plus we managed to talk about a 3d program he has been using which i plan to start on soon :D

Then there was seb... hmm now what is there to say about seb. It was nice to have him there coz he does make you laugh and upon reading yati's blog he complained as there was no mention of his gay dancing.. so i thought i would share this with everyone...........

Yup this is seb and his gay dancing!!

Last but not least there was melo, hes a good laugh and always makes sure everyones ok. (all together now AWWWWW) haha.

There were some other people i invited who unfortunately couldnt make it, like Michael A , snorbs, Blush. but its ok as i got a happy birthday off them anyway.

One last thank you to yati for the sore throat i got 3 days later. :D, So anyway that was my birthday and now got another year to go.

06 August, 2006

2 FOR 1 !!

It has been a while since i have updated but i have been having a bad couple of days...

I have come to the conclusion that i get 2 BAD days for every good one.
The other day i was having a reasonable day with my pain and actually felt abit energetic for a change so paul was moving some things around in the front room i.e HIS STUDIO! and i was tidying up and putting things back to normal. Well by the time i had finished i was in pain and hand was quite swollen.
I have suffered from that since... not sleeping and in alot of pain which even my painkillers arent helping much. Part of me has wanted to hibernate but no chance of that hahaha.
Anyway pain is starting to calm down now so hopefully will be adding more very soon.